You Never bore  me,

you are different

you are love

Successfully completed 6 months of work life in metro. Have I changed?

Yes I have in many ways.

One thing never changed ” My love for Briyani”

The soulful search made me to eat from all the notable restaurants in Chennai.

I love briyani like Karthik loves Jessi ” like crazy” 😛 (GVM fan bha),

Sundays should have briyani and only a good briyani can give you good sleep in the afternoon.

So far I have tasted  the most loved food in

Dindugal Thalappakatti,( best mutton briyani ),Aasife, Yaa Mohaideen ( great taste so you can wait in a long queue )Bikkgane, Paradise( I love their buttermilk) Zaitoon( outstanding arabian style), Copper chimney( Rich Mughal briyani ) SS Hyderabadi( the hot), RR briyani ( packed with love where two can eat in a pack )and Kolapasi

Though we have many places that serves best briyani’s  my personal favorite would be KOLAPASI

Just like my mom’s briyani, which gives you the feel ” oh yeah”. I have tasted all the food in their menu’s they are simply outstanding which gives you the memory of your favorite family member’s cooking.

Best thing about eating briyani is  nothing but after eating, explain the taste to your friend how it tastes and how you felt while eating, the sweetest revenge I  do through vm or through pics 😛 

I eat briyani whenever I feel like eating, eating briyani in sad mood is always best than eating in happy mood.I hate maths and to do calculations


badmood/moodswings +briyani = happiness probably the most satisfying calculations I ever made

My colleague Vignesh was really helpful 😛 in finding good briyani’s in the city.

Why do I like briyani?

The question many asked  the question I asked myself many times

I dunno why 😀 sometimes you don’t need reasons to love,


My love for briyani never ends. 


P.S  Post rightafter eating briyani (shrugs)